Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 15th 2012: Field Trip to the Miami Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank

This has been a wonderful experience! The entire class has been actively engaged in learning about banking  throughout the two weeks of face to face classes.  The spirit of teamwork was evident in the banking scenarios they created and their blog comments. The communication and critical thinking skills  they mastered will serve them well in the future.  I'm looking forward to hearing about their first hand experiences working in different branches and departments of Ocean Bank. Stay in touch!
Professor Ileana Porges West

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Banking and The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve

The FED Today with Charles Osgood

 Chairman Bernake Speaks to Students

History of The Central Bank from the American Dream

Final Exam on Banking

Interactive Activities about the FED

Group Presentations on Bank Scenarios

( Some videos were to large and  will be uploaded soon)
Scenario 1 Group Picture
Group 1 Getting a Home Mortgage

Scenario 2 Group Picture

Scenario 3 Group Picture

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Business News and Bank Teller Practices

Worldwide Bank and Business News


Links on U.S. Currency

photo of legal statement

Bank Operations and Customer Service
The role of the teller is integral to the operations of Retail Banking, the following videos demonstrate teller responsibilities and customer service.

Bank Teller Responsibilities:
-Processing Transactions
-Cash Handling
-Check Handling
-Cash Balancing
-General Bank Services


Providing Quality Customer Service



  Complete ABA  on line Module
  Review Chapter on Bank Security to prepare for quiz
  Post links to Bank Projects

Monday, June 11, 2012

Revitalizing the Banking Experience and Ethical Issues in Banking

Introduction to Relationship Selling


Banking Crisis in Greece

ENRON Scandal


Financial Planning for Young Adults Hands on Banking

Friday, June 8, 2012

Connecting with Others Lesson and Class Videos

Dealing Effectively with Co-Workers
What is my personality type and how does that affect   my interaction with others?

Dealing with conflict 101

Effective Referrals

Identify customer needs and refer them to someone who can meet that specific need

ING  Innovative Marketing Approach


Student Videos on Creating a Business for a Bank Loan

Homework for Monday, June 11:
-Work on ABA Teller Module
 -Bring questions to class
 -Publish Bank Project on Comment Section:

A PowerPoint presentation can be posted to your blog.

A PowerPoint presentation can be posted to your blog.

PowerPoint is a program created by Microsoft that allows users to create presentations which integrate text and images. PowerPoint presentations are an effective way to communicate data and thus many bloggers like to post their PowerPoint presentations in their blogs. This can be done by converting the PowerPoint presentation into a simple HTML code.

Step 1

Register for a free account at Scribd (see Resources).

Step 2

Save your PowerPoint presentation on your desktop.

Step 3

Go to and click "Upload."

Step 4

Select your PowerPoint file and click "Publish."

Step 5

Highlight (CTRL + A) and copy (CTRL + C) the HTML script that appears on the left side of the screen.

Step 6

Go to your post editor (where you post your blogs) and paste (CTRL + V) the HTML script. You can now publish your blog post and your PowerPoint presentation will appear as a blog post.
Please comment on the projects. They were 

Class Itinerary for June 7th 2012

Review Exam 1

1. Introduce Business Etiquette and Protocol:
2. Role-play Business Scenarios
3. Business Dress and First Impressions

Guest Speakers:
Ms.Maite Delgado:  Business Programs at MDC and Entrepreneurship Certificate
Ms. Susan Escobar: Center for Financial Training and the American Bankers Association Coursework

Visit to Honor's College and MDC Wolfson Library

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Regulations on the Banking Industry

History of the Federal Reserve Bank
Review Bank Regulations and the Historical Circumstances that Prompted Them
Discuss Expectations for Bank Project

Exam on Banking Today Units

Monday, June 4, 2012

Units 4-6, Study Questions and relevant links

Unit 4

Financial Statements and Performance Measures:
Annual Report
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Statement of Cash Flows
Why is it important to assess a bank's financial strength?
Why do we use RoA and RoE?

Unit 5

Who run's a bank?
What is a mission statement?
What measures are used to evaluate a bank's performance?
What are the departments in a bank?
Why are employees important to a bank's success?
What type of personality is needed in bank employees?

Complete Units 5&6
Work on bank project
Review new vocabulary words

Unit 6

What are the major regulatory agencies?
What are bank charters, regulations, examinations and closings
What are consumer protections for bank deposits, loans and other financial services?

Here are some of the largest banks in FL:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

WELCOME: Future Banker's Camp Course Overview

Modules :

Banking Today

Business Etiquette

Dealing Effectively With Co-Workers

Effective Referrals

Ethical Issues for Bankers

Revitalizing Customer Service

Today's Teller

Relevant Videos

What is the Federal Reserve?
What is Money?

What products and services do banks offer?

June 4 Homework:

Pick a bank and find out something about it to tell the class?
You walk into a bank and pick up an Annual Report or other information?
Google the bank to find its website and go to Wikipedia to get some background information.