Sunday, June 3, 2012

WELCOME: Future Banker's Camp Course Overview

Modules :

Banking Today

Business Etiquette

Dealing Effectively With Co-Workers

Effective Referrals

Ethical Issues for Bankers

Revitalizing Customer Service

Today's Teller

Relevant Videos

What is the Federal Reserve?
What is Money?

What products and services do banks offer?

June 4 Homework:

Pick a bank and find out something about it to tell the class?
You walk into a bank and pick up an Annual Report or other information?
Google the bank to find its website and go to Wikipedia to get some background information.


  1. I truly enjoyed the video of the man giving a presentation on the purpose of paper money. It was very eloquent and insightful! The point that really stood out to me was his argument that paper money is a unit of economic calculations; it allows business to calculate their cost and revenues, something which they wouldn't be able to do with the inconsistent system of bartering. OHHH and my favorite money song would be either "mo' money, mo' problems" by Biggie or "I get money" by 50 cent. those are actually the only money songs i know...they're still great! :)

  2. It's funny how banks establish investment policies and loan policies, which would suggest that there is some type of regulation going on in the loans that banks make, yet such thing as the bubble burst occurred. One would think that big corporations would not make such decisions that can harm the business and potentially make it go bankrupt. Well it is true that one of the main principles of business is to take risks but that does not make it OK to give out loans to anyone with a beating heart without checking whether they can repay the loan or not. Tisk tisk

  3. Like Daniel said, the video about the purpose of money is very interesting and insightful. It makes me realize why people value money so much although it is only made of paper. But then again, there are specific reasons why money is valuable...To be honest, I don't really have a favorite money song but a few songs pop into my head such as "Ride with me" by Nelly. It goes something this ..."oh why must i feel this way?..HEY, must be the MONEEEYYY."

  4. This is the second time I try, hopefully I get this right. Well, as I had said in my previous not posted comment, I strongly agree with Daniel. I believe that "what is money?" was an extremely useful video that elaborated not only on how money came to be but the means of exchange that were used before money was made. Although, at first it was very overwhelming to see that the video was 53 minutes with 59 seconds, it was very interesting and insightful.
    Also, a song that I know that speaks about money is "Price Tag" by Jessie J.

  5. I agree with what Kevin A. said about banks giving out loans. However, I think that there are certain times when banks should be able to take risks on the loans they give. It would be unfair if they only gave out loans to highly paid individuals or big corporations.

  6. The 53 minute video on the what money is was grueling to watch, however I was able to appreciate what the man was saying. Money is what has made people so civilized because we have something, even though it's just a piece of paper with ink, that allows us to buy houses, buy food, and go to college. It's hard to picture a life without paper money because I don't know how I would feel about paying my college tuition in 4 cows, 2 pigs, and a goat. I agree with Joseph in that "Ride Wit Me" is the my favorite money song.

  7. today my experirnce at us century bank was abit positive. as soon as i walked in i was being helped but the teller didnt greet her self but she was very helpful, she even try to get me to open up a bank account with us century, if i had to choose i probably would open up an acoount with us century from my experience that i had today.

  8. I agree with Daniel, how the man presented his argument upon money being of calculation, to assist in revenues and also balance businesses and people. While with the bartering system it was inconsitent and was obviously going to lead to problems to to the inconsistency between the decisions of the people, searching for one item and lacking the other. Money has balanced people and assisted in the controlling of the economy, instead of using products like salt for sugar, it has value and consistency and has been able to maintain its value.

  9. Going to the banks and experiencing one on one customer service was very important in order to teach us, the future bankers, how it is that we have to treat those who enter a bank. My personal experience at the Citi Bank was positive. I was quickly attended and even offered seats, then they tried persading me into opening an account. IT WAS A VERY GOOD EXPERIENCE!



  12. The scenarios we did today were extremely entertaining and at the same time i learned about the services provided at banks. :)

  13. My personal experience at the Well Fargo bank was positive. I walk in and they treated me like i have been coming there for years ! The staff had greeted me well, introduce themselfs well. I went in the bank because i was doing a research project on Wells Fargo. I spoke to the manager, And she went in the back and gave me everything she thought was helpful to my project. I went in Wells Fargo an stranger and came out family.


  15. I agree with Malena, all the scenarios we have done in class have been very interesting and fun to do. These scenarios are a fun way to learn the material as well as a good way to practice our public speaking skills.

  16. Yep, definitely agree with the guys above! The scenarios are fun, enjoyable, and insightful! They definitely help us improve our public speaking and business etiquette, which we have improved a lot. I remember the first time we did one of these; it was very informal and lacked banking jargon. I was amazed today in class when we did the scenarios; i realized we have actually come a long way.



  19. I also agree with what Malena said. The activities done in class on Monday were not only fun but educational. I believe that I, along with my peers, have learned a lot. This is evident in how fluently we were able to discuss banking services and options.


  21. Danny, Ruby, Lanaire, and Malena's group scenario was extremely funny and educational. they provided in their scenario plenty of vocabulary and humor that made their presentation the best out of everybody.





  26. I honestly really enjoyed the scenarios today. I am truly happy that the second team won, because they brought a new type of interactive performance. I am also excited for the field trip we are going on to the Fed. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:

  27. I agree with my beautiful friend Ruby. I really enjoy every scenerio and they were all amazing. Good job you guys!! I really excited for the field trip tomorrow. Cant wait to see everybody dress up and look all professional. :)

  28. I really enjoyed the scenarios today in class. To be honest i was very nervous about how our scenario would turn out. Everyone's scenario were very professional and informative. I have really enjoyed this class as it has not only taught me about the banking industry but it has taught me very valuable skills such as public speaking skills and preparation skills. I am very glad that I was given the chance to be part of this program.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Aw, Joseph you're the sweetest guy ever! I feel the same way!


  32. I had to create a powerpoint out of the information I put in my brochure because I was unable to upload that document. Also, I would like to say that I enjoyed all the activities we did in class today, such as that online baseball game about the Federal Reserve.

  33. these last two weeks was a great experience for me. i've learned alot about banking im glad i was chosen to be a part of this program this was the best experience. ive met alot of new people evryone was friendly and we all got alone very well and we had a great professor

  34. These last two days have been fantastic,and I have really enjoyed learning with the Future Bankers Camps. Today's scenarios were all good, but the second group definitely deserved to win.

  35. These 2 weeks have been great! Professor Porges-West has made the course very entertaining and the group activities have not only made learning easier but they've created new friendships. The videos we saw today in class about the Fed explained exactly what the Fed is and what it does. I thought the interactive games were also a great learning tool.

  36. I agree with everyone on this, these two weeks have been a blast, and we got the chance to learn more about what really goes on in banks. I feel that i've learned alot in just these two weeks and i'm glad for having such a wonderful professor to also put up with us haha. These group activities have also helped me learn to be more loud and outgoing with my classmates and getting the chance to do this has really helped me alot with my speech since i do have a big issue with speaking in front of others. I'm glad i met all of you and got to spend time with the ones i already know. I'm sure i will never forget this experience and i love all of you

  37. Today’s visit to the Feds branch was a great way to end this learning experience. With the videos we had seen in class, and the interactive games we had played, I was really able to understand what was going as we were in the Fed. The experience was eye opening because I never really imagined how much work went into processing money, not just from the 6th district but from the Latin American countries that send their money to the Feds branch here in Miami. The thing that amazed me the most was the amount of money that is shredded and taken out of circulation. Overall, I feel that these 2 weeks have prepared me for a career in banking because I now know the different services that banks provide and how I, as a bank employee, should provide these services in a way that would make the customer want to continue doing business with the bank. Ms. Porges-West’s incorporation of videos and scenarios made it easier to learn the material while, at the same time, making it more entertaining because she was not lecturing the entire time. My favorite part of the classroom setting was doing the scenarios because it was a time were we could showcase all the terms we had learned about banking while showing the artistic talent each of us had. I want to thank everyone that was a part of making the classroom portion of the Banker’s Camp such a success.

  38. I had a very great experience today at the Federal Reserve Bank. I’ve learn how the money is process when it first gets to the Federal Reserve Bank. I’ve learned a lot from my experience during these two weeks here at Miami Dade and also from today at the Federal Reserve Bank. I enjoy my visit at the Federal Reserve. The best part of my whole visit was to actually getting to see where they have the amour trucks come in and have the workers make sure that whatever the amount is on the receipt from the drivers of the amour trucks is correct. Most of all I enjoy the tour that we had. This was a very interesting and wonderful experience in a life time. Because not everybody actually gets a tour to the Federal Reserve Bank and get to see everything that goes on in the Federal Reserve Bank. I like how everyone there was very nice and how they explain about how the Federal Reserve works. It was a very nice place but also a place with really tight security and that made me feel very safe. I’m really grateful for being one of the chosen ones that got pick to be in this program, this experience was a one in a life time experience. And last but not least I enjoy the professor that I had. She was a great professor who taught me a lot about banking.

  39. These last two weeks have been such a great experience. It was very nice to meet new faces and getting to know someone much better. I guess we can all say that we all bonded and connected together for the two weeks. I thank you each one of my co-workers and specially our Professor Porges-West. Thanks for teaching us and being our mentor. Learning about banking, creating our own scenarios, and being able to participate easily is a big plus and a great experience. When I first came in, it was inside a conference room, which for most of us was a different atmosphere compared to what we are used to. As we go a long with this tremendous program, we learned many aspects about banking and even valuable skills that will definitely benefit our lives in the future. This program also offered online courses about Banker Teller’s Curriculum. This was the very first online class I have ever taken, and it offers class-like lectures in a different environment. The last week was even more exciting and less stressful in which we are all more familiar to the program and to each other. And today, we all took on an exquisite journey to the Federal Reserve of Atlanta, Miami Branch. For me, it was an insightful and rewarding experience. I feel and know that this program will be a great opportunity for myself and others around me. Someone has to start somewhere and this sets a base for a great future ahead for each of us. Thank you and hopefully we will all keep in touch in the future.

  40. I am very glad that I was given the opportunity to participate in this great program. Being a part of the Banker’s camp has taught me a lot. I have not only been able to learn about the banking industry but I have also learned skills, such as how to treat customers, that I believe will definitely help me in future jobs that I may have. This program has also helped me improve my public speaking skills and how to really communicate with others. ¬I am also glad that I was able to participate in this program with classmates from my school because it allowed me to get to know some of them better and I now feel that we have become a family. In the beginning I thought this course was going to be like a normal class where we would have to be required to read a book and then do tests. However, this class was very interactive and I enjoyed learning in this way. I enjoyed learning through videos as some of them were very entertaining and you could easily relate them to the material that we were learning in class. The online courses that we had to take were also interesting. I had previously never taken an online class and believed that the online course would be uninteresting and hard. However, I the classes weren’t that challenging and they proved to be better than reading the book. My favorite part of this program was the scenarios that we had to participate in. The scenarios proved to be fun and very educational at the same time; it was a very good way of learning about the banking industry. I have enjoyed being part of this program and I thank Ms. Connie Laguna and Professor Porges-West for having been so nice to us and for providing such an enriching experience.

  41. The banker’s camp program has been a great experience and I believe I can speak for all of us when I make that statement. We are lucky to be in this program since not only are we getting rewarded but we were blessed to have an awesome knowledgeable teacher who enjoys enlightening students. The various teaching methods helped by learning from different sources instead of one book, which allows for us to see things from various points of views. This program will without a doubt set a foundation for our future and our careers. These two weeks have been filled with so much knowledge which I feel thankful for. I will not be surprise if in the near future doors are opened as a result of this program, which I hope does occur. When I heard about this program I actually did not expect it to be this remarkable but boy was I wrong. I am personally planning on studying business so this program has really helped me in becoming knowledgeable about some aspects of business and has helped me experience a branch of business that I may consider in the future. I can’t wait to get actual hands-on on banking training in the upcoming two weeks, since if it’s anything like this class than I am really looking forward to working at the bank. Making scenarios where pure genius. With the scenarios we not only incorporated what we had learned but it allowed us to teach our fellow classmates. I will greatly miss this class but I am thankful for what it has offered me. Thank you professor Porges-West for a great experience.

  42. These past two weeks have been simply amazing. I honestly thought that this program was going to be boring and less exciting than it actually was. I felt that we created a great bond as the days passed, although we barely know each other, especially with students from a different school. I like that the class consisted with interactive activities in which we had to play roles as a customer, a manager or a bank teller. This included a mixture of educational work, competitiveness and most importantly, it was fun. Going to actual banks to investigate information for our power points introduced me to a whole new world of the business world. I had no idea how much money banks had and how important they are. I also noticed that technology is rapidly becoming an important factor to the business world, and that eventually everything is going to be done with our phones or other electronic devices. The fact that phones are going to replace cards is absolutely amazing because it’s going to be much more convenient for everybody. I personally find it interesting the safety procedures of the Federal Reserve, especially the heavy security before walking into the Federal Reserve. It was a shocker how a police officer at the entrance was holding a very big gun, which clearly shows that the Federal Reserve does not play around. I’m glad I had the joyful experience of seeing money by the millions, which I think is a one in a life time experience that not the common person experiences. These two past weeks have been great, it has really expanded my mind in the field of business and finance. I can truly say I’m more knowledgeable and I’m glad I had the opportunity of sharing these past two weeks with great people.

  43. First of all, having been accepted into the Future Bankers Program has been a great opportunity, having been part of this program has literally been a once in a life time chance and has taught me so much that I could possibly have learned of banking in just two weeks than I could imagine in a classroom for an entire year. I have also had the privilege of meeting other students, and have enjoyed my time here at Miami Dade. I’m also thankful for having a wonderful teacher such as Ms. Porges-West, who has taught us and taken her time to teach us and prepare us for our internships at the bank. I couldn’t have asked for a more qualified person in making this experience fun and interesting. Also, her method of teaching a class is extremely helpful, such as placing us in groups while both teaching us scenarios of what would happens at a bank. I enjoyed acting out scenarios because it would help me open up and prepare for the internship, where I need to be open and friendly to customers. I liked the fact that we also bonded together during our time here in the classroom, where we each became closer, almost like a family and not only are we learning and being rewarded for the exceptional opportunity, but also growing closer together and actually becoming a family. The online course was actually something I extremely enjoyed, where I could be able to learn and get an insight of what should be done in a bank and how to deal with problems. So I would like to thank you all for giving us all this chance.

  44. This two past week have been remarkable. At first I had no idea of how the program was going to be. Since the beginning the professor made me feel very comfortable about it and show me it wasn’t going to be such a difficult course. This course has really opened my eye to the business world. I have always love business and the business industry and this course have really showed me my passion for business. I definitely want to major in banking. I really enjoy meeting new students from other schools. I love how everybody bonded together and we all became friends. The video really help me understand the subject better. They were truly a very helpful tool for this course. Also the online program gave me an opportunity of how a course on line feels like. It was really easy and it was just very useful information about the banking industry. I really like learning about money and how everything started. It was certainly a question I been asking myself for some time now. The scenario was the fun part of the course, they were all amazing and they help me catch the information faster. Going to the Federal Reserve Bank here in Miami was the icing on the cake. I got an opportunity that not everybody gets that’s why I enjoy it so much. See all that money together was an amazing. Learning about how they process the money was interesting. The high security system made me feel very safe and secure. This program is awesome and hopefully stays around for a long time so other students can learn all this amazing information.

  45. At least once in their lives, a student will question education and wonder “Why do I have to go waste my valuable time in school?” No matter how much they are responded “this is vital for your future,” they just don’t get it. I myself, have been one to question the educational system. I had always been one that thought educational should be optional, since school is not for everyone. However, being in this class has helped me understand the schooling system a little bit better. I have finally come to realize that the things we do and don’t do now affect our futures. Taking this banking course will not only give me hands on experience along with book knowledge but it will prepare me to deal with customers in a working environment and how to interact with co-workers. These past 2 weeks have been amazing and there would not be a single thing I’d change. It has opened my eyes and even made me think about a career in the business area. I will forever be grateful of being part of this incredible program. I have to sincerely thank our professor Mrs. Porges-West, who had much patients with us and taught us well. And of course a great thank you to Mrs. Laguna, Ray from CNC and Dr. Cruz, along with many others who have helped make this program possible. Not only was the bank an amazing opportunity but we were also taken to the Federal Reserve which was a wonderful experience. We saw billions of dollars being handled right before our eyes. I will miss everyone ever so greatly.

  46. “The tendency of a national bank is to increase public and private credit. The former gives power to the state for the protection of its rights and interests, and the latter facilitates and extends the operations of commerce amongst individuals."- Alexander Hamilton
    This quote of Alexander Hamilton summarizes the importance and necessity of a national bank and not to mention, banks in general. I, myself, am a huge fan of Alexander Hamilton, a man who advocated and understood the importance of the institution of banks. Therefore, upon hearing that there was an opportunity to intern at a bank, I was thrilled and immediately signed myself up. With great expectations, I was skeptical whether the two weeks of training would be exciting. However, I was in for a great surprise! These past two weeks have been amazing! I’ve learned everything from the foundation and history of banks to what to do in case of a robbery or a bomb threat. Between these two different topics lie a plethora of informative and hands on modules that expand your knowledge immensely. The class was not a regular “read on your own and answer questions” class, but a class that encouraged us to be involved. No, we weren’t experts at publicly speaking and therefore, most of us were very shy at first. But after these two weeks, I know each and every one of us has become more open to the idea of standing up and presenting to an audience. Furthermore, this course hasn’t been only serious bank discussions throughout, but it has also incorporated fun and hilarious scenarios. Outside the academia boundaries, I had the pleasure to meet wonderful people from other schools as well as improve my connections with people from my school. Through this program I’ve built strong friendship bonds that in the long run will be of great importance; Friends that can understand you and be there for you.

  47. Hey guys! how is everyone doing ??I am sure you are all doing well. See you guys soon.

  48. What are you learning or doing all day?

  49. planning to visit my mentors at the bank next week :)!!!
