Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 15th 2012: Field Trip to the Miami Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank

This has been a wonderful experience! The entire class has been actively engaged in learning about banking  throughout the two weeks of face to face classes.  The spirit of teamwork was evident in the banking scenarios they created and their blog comments. The communication and critical thinking skills  they mastered will serve them well in the future.  I'm looking forward to hearing about their first hand experiences working in different branches and departments of Ocean Bank. Stay in touch!
Professor Ileana Porges West

1 comment:

  1. welll first of all working at a bank is completely how I pictured it, except for one thing which are the staff. They are incredibly friendly and enthusiastic about their job and working at the bank and really show interest in their work. But also they know how to open up and have fun while they work. I wish i could be more in touch with the customers but dealing with accounts is also interesting to me. So I really enjoy what I'm doing at the moment. And i feel prepared for when they ask me questions on acronyms like C.D's . I'm thankful for the opportunity of learning certain facts about banking beforehand. Thankyou Ms. Porges-West. I hope to see everyone soon.
